Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NC airport.

Okay, well I am waiting here in the airport for my next flight which will be in a little over an hour. I have to admit that this morning I had a moment of panic. When I was sitting on the couch at 5 am trying to finish cramming the rest of my stuff in my luggage, I stopped and felt tears forming behind my eyes and my stomach was turning and I couldn't catch my breath and I thought to myself "I can't do this....I can not make this trip by myself and do all of this stuff and I am just going to cry the whole time from this point on." But then I got a grip and now I am better. =) It was minute of pure panic and fear and I thought I was going to have to tranquilize myself for the flight.

Anywho, I also had to walk across the WORLD to get from where the plane landed to where my next flight was going to be. And even though I have plenty of time I am very 'no nonsense' about it and I don't dilly dally.

Also, I made myself laugh when I checked my luggage because in addition to my suitcase and carry on and my one "personal item" I had my pink fleece blanket and I thought for sure they would be like "NO you can't take that on the plane!" and then in a fit of rage they would take it away from me and destroy it. So, of course they did not do that because they treat a blanket as being a kind of neutral item that does not count as any of that stuff. It just made me laugh because that was what I was most concerned about.....them taking away my blanket.

Well, I am going to go get some overpriced lunch.

more to come,

PS. The woman at security was not very nice. =(


  1. You could have used the pink blanket to choke the woman at security ... since it is not considered a weapon ... I think you would have been safe.

  2. Button wondered if you took any treats or toys. He's been weaned off all of his toys, except his green ball, so he thought it would be just grand if you took toys. He said the blanket is lame in his opinion.
