Sunday, July 26, 2009


Today will be fun because I am going to stay home and get some cleaning / homework done! That will feel good to spend a whole day really pushing that stuff so I don't get overwhelmed of course.

Yesterday was nice because Shannon, Ken and I went to Virginia for a very "nontraditional" tour of what is out there. Ken was our expert tour guide and it was really crazy. We went to Boarders for some morning coffee and book searching. Then we went to an International grocery store called Grand Mart. It was amazing! Everything you could possibly imagine and super fresh. All kinds of live fish and squid and all that stuff plus every spice known to man and an entire isle of seaweed and you could buy rice in 25 lb. bags! Then we went to this.....I guess the only way to really describe it was that it was like an Asian dollar store. Then we went to the BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT EVER! I told the waiter guy that it was the best meal I have ever had in my whole life and I meant every word. We also ventured to this like...Vietnamese mall complex where all of the stores were like a cultural experience for us outsiders. It was really cool. And finally we stopped by Pearl art supply store for a second and that concluded my Sat. outing.

Side note, I wanted to let everyone know about my supervisor's book! She gave me a copy of her first novel and I thought I would spread the word in case anyone is interested. Here is the information:

And Silent Left the Place by Elizabeth Bruce
ISBN 0-931846-86-2

A young woman stands naked and afraid in the South Texas dark, silenced by a rich man's bargain - a roll in the desert for her boyfriend's release from jail. Miles away, a silent old man climbs into his secret hole, burdened by his Great War bargain - his voice for life with his beloved. On this night in April 1963, the burden of silence passes from old to young. The debut novel of Texas native Elizabeth Bruce, And Silent Left the Place is a lyric tale of violence, redemption, and love reclaimed in the cruel, dry land of Texas.

Well, I guess I should get to work.


1 comment:

  1. >> and an entire isle of seaweed

    I used to really want to be a hermit, and I guess I don't anymore, but if I did, I would want to live on the Isle of Seaweed.
